The Super Mario Bros. animated movie is powering up with an all-star voice cast led by Chris Pratt as the iconic Nintendo character. It now has a North American release date of Dec. 21, 2022. Joining Pratt as Mario are Anya Taylor-Joy (Princess Peach) Charlie Day (Luigi), Jack Black (Bowser),…
This past Sunday night was the 73rd Primetime Emmy Awards, and I have add photos from that night. Appearances > 2021 > 09-19 The 73rd Primetime Emmy Awards
I have add photos of Anya Taylor-Joy to our gallery. Appearances > 2016 > 09-04 Campari Passion for Film Award Ceremony – The 78th Venice International Film Festival Appearances > 2021> 09-04 ‘Last Night In Soho’ Photocall – The 78th Venice International Film Festival Appearances > 2021 > 09-04 Last…
The Venice crowd at the Sala Grande theater could not take their eyes off Anya Taylor-Joy during Edgar Wright’s trippy psychological thriller “Last Night in Soho.” But when the movie ended just after midnight on Saturday and the spotlight shone on the cast to receive applause from the festival attendees,…